Safety being Rooted in Trust

The Lord revealed to me this week that I have not felt safe for quite some time. I would say even a life-time. Let me explain... When we don’t feel safe it means we don’t feel secure. When we don’t feel secure we don’t trust. When we don’t trust we don’t really believe that we will fully be cared for in every area of our lives. Considering the world we live in I’m sure most of you will know what I’m talking about? We have created environments that appear to be safe, yet we operate in self-sufficiency and drivenness; forgetting God is our Source. But not trusting Him in every area of our lives will always manifest somehow or someway. For me this was coming forth physically and spiritually. I had unknowingly developed fear of not having my needs met and began to gain weight. I was overworking and not caring for myself as I should. I also began to realize that for quite some time I was hesitant to communicate with God about certain things that were deep longings and dreams; not wanting to be brokenhearted or disappointed. You could say I created some distance from Him in these areas. I can assure you this is not where our Loving Savior wants us to be.

So, I asked Him, what is it that makes it difficult to pray and go boldly before the throne of grace in these areas? What prevents me from trusting You in every area of life? I believe the Lord revealed to me it is when our hearts condemn us (1 John 3:20) and condemnation is deeply rooted in the lack of intimacy we have with Jesus, the Anointed One. It is in intimacy that we know Him – His character, His nature, and His ways. Intimately knowing Him brings us into a deeper and deeper union with Him; allowing us to trust Him at greater levels in every area of our lives. Some of us may not be familiar with fully trusting because of personal experience with trauma, neglect, or abuse. These develop wounds that set up residence in our heart, condemning us, and have fortified a barrier to distance us from God, ourselves, and others. This is where knowing God intimately will heal the pain of these wounds and allow us to feel safe and secure in every area of our lives. The beautiful thing is, even when we don’t seek Him in the capacity that we could, He always looks at our intentions. It is the pure intentions of our heart that God sees. As imperfect as we are, He looks on us with compassion, love, kindness, and mercy. When we can see this, I believe there will be a new revelation of Him in our lives. Through a life devoted to Him, and heart that continues to be intimate with Him, there will be a trust that is unshakable. This kind of trust brings pleasure to God and He can then flourish in and through us with true love toward Him, ourselves, and one another. I am praying for us as we enter into this new level of intimacy, healing, and trust. Amen.

Whenever our hearts make us feel guilty and remind us of our failures, we know that God is much greater and more merciful than our conscience, and he knows everything there is to know about us. My delightfully loved friends, when our hearts don’t condemn us, we have a bold freedom to speak face-to-face with God. And whatever we ask of him we receive, because we keep his commands. And by our beautiful intentions we continue to do what brings pleasure to him. So these are his commands: that we continually place our trust in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, and that we keep loving one another, just as he has commanded us. For all who obey his commands find their lives joined in union with him, and he lives and flourishes in them. We know and have proof that he constantly lives and flourishes in us, by the Spirit that he has given us... 1 John 3:20-24 TPT


I’ve just finished reading an excellent book on “brokenness” and the lifetime of events God will bring us to and through to get us to the point of brokenness. Through it, He delivers us from our selfish ways and shatters the delusions we have about ourselves. During this process, He supernaturally allows us to see how He sees us AND allows us to see ourselves as we truly are. Many of us resist this and are confused (even angry) about the trials and tribulations we face in life. But I tell you, if we can get to the point that we look for what God is doing in every situation and find His very presence in these moments we will begin to experience a new sense of trust and peace in the Lord that transcends time and space. It will literally bring us into eternity. 

Today I was mediating more on brokenness and the Holy Spirit took me to Isaiah 66:1-2. The ultimate reason for this brokenness is so God Almighty might have His place of rest in us and can be glorified through us. We must not resist what He is doing to bring about a humble and contrite spirit!

He is looking for you and me!

Thus says the Lord:
‘Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool;
what is the house that you would build for me,
and what is the place of my rest?
All these things my hand has made,
and so all these things came to be,’ declares the Lord.
‘But this is the one to whom I will look:
he who is humble and contrite in spirit
and trembles at my word’... Isaiah 66:1-2